IWCC 2024 Call For Proposals

Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois is hosting this year’s Iowa+ Writing Center Consortium conference on Friday, April 19th, 2024 from 9:00am-3:00pm. Please save the date and plan to attend! See below for the CFP.

Call for Proposals: “Writing Agency” – due January 29th

Writing centers have long sought to help our clients develop agency by giving them the tools to make more informed choices as readers/writers, but this focus is sometimes at odds with student and faculty expectations. Meanwhile, book bans and restrictions on institutions of higher education—including in Iowa—have attempted to minimize agency by silencing marginalized or dissenting voices. At the same time, the recent proliferation of AI-generated text has myriad implications for authorship and voice. Given these competing forces, how can writing centers foster agency in our clients and tutors alike?

Here are some examples of different ways proposals may approach the broad theme of “writing agency” (this is not an exhaustive list):

  • How might writing centers advocate for and amplify marginalized voices? What barriers or assumptions prevent students from making use of us and developing agency as readers/writers? What does agency look like for tutors from marginalized communities, and how should our centers’ policies and practices change accordingly?
  • How can writing centers enable writerly agency by promoting multilingualism and code-meshing? How might we serve as agents of change within our larger institutions in this area? What, practically speaking, does it mean to prioritize a writer’s authentic voice over grammar/“correctness”?
  • How do AI writing tools/chatbots affect agency, and how should writing centers respond? How might these technologies help or hinder writers’ development and tutors’ approach? How should our policies and practices change to respond to students’ reliance on AI tools and texts?

To be clear, proposals that don’t address any of the above–yet show some awareness of the theme of “writing agency”–are more than welcome! Promoting agency is an idea that underlies much of what we do in the writing center, even if we may not have always thought of it as such.

Proposal Requirements: Proposals should include a 50-word abstract (that will appear in the conference program, if accepted), plus a session description of no more than 250 words. Proposals should be as specific as possible about the role of the presenters, the degree of audience participation, the learning objectives or goals of the session, and the format the presentation will take:  

Panel Presentation: 3 or 4 presentations of 15-­20 minutes each on a specific theme or question. 

Individual Presentation: 15-20 minute-presentation (that will be combined into a panel by the conference organizers). 

Workshop: A participatory session that engages attendees in active learning. 

Roundtable Discussion: 15 minutes of introductory framing by the leader(s) followed by a facilitated discussion among attendees. 

Poster Presentation: A research-­fair style presentation in which the presenter(s) create a visual argument and informally discuss their research with attendees. 

Audio/Visual: We will have projectors, but presenters should bring their laptops. 

Submission: Proposals should be emailed to no later than January 29, 2024. Put “IWCC Proposal” in the subject line. Expect a response by the end of February. 

We look forward to reading your proposals and to hosting you in Rock Island!

–Lucas Street, Farah Marklevits, Jake Romaniello, and all the peer tutors of the Augustana College Reading/Writing Center

Call for Proposals (extended), IWCC meets Friday, April 8th

SAVE THE DATE!  The Iowa Writing Centers Consortium will take place on Friday April 8, 2022, from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm on the first floor of the English Philosophy Building (EPB) at the University of Iowa. 

Registration is $15 for students and $30 for professional staff and includes breakfast, lunch, and coffee throughout the day.  

Masks and social distancing will be required. At the beginning of March, we will evaluate the COVID situation in the state and will be in touch with a decision about options for virtual participation.   

Call for ProposalsLessons from COVID: Losses, gains, discoveries, and insights.  

Proposals due January 15, 2022  February 1, 2022

Email to 

COVID has affected all aspects of higher education, including writing centers.  How has COVID affected your writing center?  How has your center continued to provide writing support and instruction to students while keeping them and your staff safe?  

Note: proposals are not limited to the effects of the pandemic. Please consider proposals on other topics: E.g., working with multilingual writers; providing feedback on writing in unfamiliar disciplines; the art of the personal statement; supporting creative writing; considering the needs of differently abled students; promoting writing across the curriculum; developing other programs and partnerships.  

Despite COVID fatigue and the suffering the pandemic has brought, the COVID cloud has inspired discoveries and insights that can improve the ways centers serve students.  What discoveries and insights can you share that will be useful to the IWCC community?   

  • What has your writing center lost during COVID?  For example, have you seen a reduction in student participation? If so, how have you responded? 
  • What has your center gained during COVID? How have tutoring strategies changed to address students’ situations (learning online, learning at home, illness of students, their friends, and family). 
  • What is lost and what is gained by videoconferencing?  By in-person tutoring? 
  • What policies did you develop to mitigate risk for your staff and students? To what extent did you receive support for your policies from administrators? 
  • How did the balance in your different tutoring modes (asynchronous online tutoring, synchronous online tutoring, videoconferencing, in-person tutoring, etc.) change? How has this change in balance affected staffing and training? 
  •  If and when the pandemic ends, to what extent will your center return to the way it was pre-pandemic?  What aspects of COVID-influenced Writing Center pedagogy will you keep?  For example, will you continue checking on student writers’ mental health before initiating a session? 
  • What discoveries about your writing center or writing centers in general have you made during COVID?  What insights about center staff, students, or operations did you develop?  What realizations or epiphanies have you come to?     

Proposal Requirements: Proposals should include a 50-word abstract and a 250-word maximum narrative description. Proposals should be as specific as possible about the role of the presenters, the degree of audience participation, the learning objectives or goals of the session, and the format the presentation will take:  

Panel Presentation: 3 or 4 presentations of 15-­20 minutes each on a specific theme or question. 

Individual Presentation: 15-20 minute-presentation (that will be combined into a panel). 

Workshop: A participatory session that engages attendees in active learning. 

Roundtable Discussion: 15 minutes of introductory framing by the leader(s) followed by a facilitated discussion among attendees. 

Poster Presentation: A research-­fair style presentation in which the presenter(s) create a visual argument and informally discuss their research with attendees. 

Audio/Visual: We will have projectors, but presenters should bring their laptops. 

Submission: Proposals should be emailed to by January 15, 2022. They will be reviewed by staff at two of Iowa’s writing centers. Expect a response by the end of February. 

Thanks! Looking forward to reading your proposals. 

Carol Severino and Deirdre Egan from the University of Iowa Writing Center 

Iowa Writing Centers Virtual Lunch Gathering: Friday, February 26, 2021

Hello colleagues:

Every year at the Midwest Writing Center Association conference or the Iowa Writing Center Consortium conference, we Iowa writing center directors get to visit with one another, offer encouragement, and share our stories.

We want to keep up that tradition this year!

Laura Farmer of Cornell College, Ben Thiel of Mount Mercy University, and I–the most recent hosts of the IWCC conference–will be hosting an informal virtual gathering for Iowa writing center staff during the virtual MWCA conference.

The gathering will be on Friday, February 26 from 12:30-1:10pm.

An email has been sent to previous attendees with the Zoom link. Please contact Jan Nesmith for the Zoom link if you have not received that email.

The purpose will just be to check in–see how everyone’s doing during this unusual year, and to hear about highs and lows from this past year. Laura, Ben, and I are also interested to know if anyone has interest in hosting the next IWCC–maybe for Spring 2022 or 2023, in person somewhere. 

We look forward to seeing everyone’s faces at our Zoom gathering!

MWCA CFP Deadline Extended!

The deadline to submit proposals for the Midwest Writing Centers Association conference (March 12 — 14, 2020 in Cedar Rapids!) has been extended to Friday, October 18. The CFP can be found here:

To submit a proposal (and/or update your MWCA membership), begin here:

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Ben Thiel, Writing Specialist, Mount Mercy University
MWCA 2020 Conference Chair

CFP for 2020 Midwest Writing Centers Assoc Conference

The CFP is now available for the 2020 Midwest Writing Centers Association conference, which will be held March 12 — 14  in Cedar Rapids at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel.

We had 28 outstanding presentations at IWCC 2019 at Mount Mercy last March, and I’m hopeful that our Iowa presenters and participants will submit proposals for MWCA. This will be a valuable chance to meet even more Writing Center colleagues, to continue–and begin–important conversations, and to share our work with the rest of MWCA. The CFP can be found here:

To submit a proposal (and/or update your MWCA membership), begin here:

If you have any questions about the proposal process, please do not hesitate to contact me. As time gets closer, I’ll be in touch about conference registration and opportunities for volunteering during the conference.

Ben Thiel, Writing Specialist, Mount Mercy University
MWCA 2020 Conference Chair

Registration is Now Open!

Registration is now open for the 2019 Iowa Writing Center Consortium, which will be held Friday, April 5, at Mount Mercy University in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. To register, begin here: Scroll down and find the registration link on the left-hand side of the web page. Please see the attached flyer for further information and details. And please share the flyer with folks in your Writing Center—or other schools—who may be interested but who may not yet be on the IWCC mailing list.

We also want to invite you to start thinking about the Midwest Writing Center Association conference, which will be returning to Cedar Rapids March 12 – 14, 2020. The MWCA Board is hard at work on the planning, and they are hoping to have a strong Iowa presence. One way you can help the Board right now is by contributing ideas for the conference theme, which will be discussed at their March meeting. Please email any theme ideas by Tuesday, March 5, to Much more information about MWCA 2020 will be shared at IWCC and through the IWCC mailing list.

Please let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you at Mount Mercy in April!


Ben Thiel, Writing Specialist,
Mount Mercy University

Laura Farmer, Writing Studio Director, Director of Fellowships and Scholarships,
Cornell College

Jane Nesmith, Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Director of the Writing Center,
Coe College

Iowa Writing Center Consortium CFP Deadline Extended

Hello Iowa (and nearby) Writing Center folks!

I hope you had a relaxing break and that your January and/or Spring terms have been going well. Here on the Mount Mercy University campus, plans are ramping up for the Iowa Writing Center Consortium on April 5. We are excited about the proposals we have already received, and we look forward to reading those we have yet to receive. To make sure that we include everyone, including those who are just now starting back to school, we have extended the deadline for proposals until Monday, February 4*. Click here for the CFP with the updated deadline. Please contact me if you have any questions about the proposal process.

Presenters will be notified by Monday, February 18. Registration will also be open on that day, so look for a follow-up email with the registration information. (The registration fee will be in the neighborhood of $20 – $25 per person to cover the costs of morning snacks, lunch, and photocopies.)

Even if you are not able to send in a proposal, we hope that you can join us for a day of community-building, sharing of research and ideas, and thought-provoking conversations about the work we do as Writing Center professionals.

* I posted the wrong number for Monday, Feb 4 – so if you need until Feb 5, that is acceptable.)

Ben Thiel, Writing Specialist, Mount Mercy University, on behalf of my co-planners:

Laura Farmer, Writing Studio Director, Director of Fellowships and Scholarships, Cornell College
Jane Claspy Nesmith, Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Director of the Writing Center, Coe College